Front End Engineering June 2015

Learning The Basics: Console Commands

Through this course we will be using the console a lot. Between build tools and file management being comfortable in the console is a must. You don't need to be an expert from day one, but should be able to do a few basic tasks:

  • Print the Current Directory
  • Move through the file system
  • List files in a directory
  • Create new files
  • Delete files and folders
  • Opening files with default programs
  • Opening files with basic editors (nano or vi)
  • Move files
  • Pipes and the cat command

There are a few different resources that you can use to learn these skills:


Team Treehouse also has a few courses covering console commands. These aren't required and are a bit slower paced than the two links above. If you do not feel comfortable accomplishing the above goals, watch the courses below (they can take 2-3 hours depending on your comfort from the first two articles):