Front End Engineering June 2015

Using Ember CLI Addons

When working with Ember CLI, there are times where you want to be able to bring in different build steps or different libraries. Since many tools are incredibly common, these are often available as Ember CLI Addons that add functionality to your project without writing any code (or very little).

Listed below are a few common Addons we've used and you might want in your project.


Installation: npm install broccoli-sass

Notes: This addon makes Ember CLI look for an app/styles/app.scss file which will be compiled and used for your app styling.

Meyer Web CSS Reset

Installation: ember install ember-cli-meyer-reset-sass

Notes: This addon requires you to already have installed broccoli-sass. It only sets up the import trees for SASS so in your app.scss file, you will need to add @import 'reset'; just like when you have used reset.css in the past.

Bourbon (SASS)

Installation: ember install ember-cli-bourbon

Notes: This addon requires you to already have installed broccoli-sass. Unlike reset, this package will try to create a new app.scss file for you with the line @import 'bourbon';. Beware if you already have an app.scss file as tihs will completely replace any existing ones, it will not try to merge things.

Neat (SASS)

Installation: ember install ember-cli-neat

Notes: This addon requires you to already have installed broccoli-sass using npm install --save-dev broccoli-sass. Unlike reset, this package will try to create a new app.scss file for you with the line @import 'neat';. Beware if you already have an app.scss file as tihs will completely replace any existing ones, it will not try to merge things. This package will also pull in bourbon, so you do not need to install ember-cli-bourbon if you want to use neat.

Lodash (Basically the Same as Underscore.js)

Installation: ember install ember-lodash

Notes: This addon allows you to import lodash modules, it does not expose lodash as a global _ variable. To use lodash add an import _ from 'lodash/lodash'; to the top of files where needed.