Monday March 21

Interruptions & Events

  • 12-1:30 Lunch

Motivation Monday!!!

Daily JS

The following code is from an app where the speed of a car is accelerated using the accelerate function. But, right now the code is broken, if we call accelerate() without passing in any arguments, speed will be set to NaN. Try to explain why this is and rewrite the accelerate function to fix this error.

var speed = 0;

function accelerate(amount = 0) {
  speed += amount;

accelerate(5); // speed is 5
accelerate(); // speed is NaN


  • What is going well?
  • What is not going well (what are you struggling with)?
  • What's something you'd like to share not about code?
  • What's something you've learned

Common Wins

  • Still growing learning

Common Struggles

  • Catching up (need to ask questions about it)
  • Javascript
  • Vocabulary




Continue working on Etsy. Note, there are some new tasks in there for making the app search based on the search box and when a user clicks "Search".

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