Homework Process
mkdir <homework name>
- Make a new directory for the homework
cd <homework name>
- Move into the new directory
git init
- Initialize project as a local git repo
hub create
- Create empty repo on Github
atom .
- Open project in Atom editor
- Create boilerplate files in our editor (usually some HTML and CSS)
git add .
- Stages all changes for the current directory
git commit -m "Starting assignment"
- Commits boilerplate
git push origin master
- creates a branch on Github called master
and sends boilerplate code to Github
git checkout -b develop
- creates a local develop branch starting with just the boilerplate commit
- Make one small change
git add .
- Stages all changes for the current directory
git commit -m "Your message of what you've done"
- Commits new changes to local develop
git push origin develop
- creates a branch on Github called develop
and sends local develop
commits to develop
on Github
hub pull-request -m "Turning in assignment"
- Creates a pull request on Github from develop
over to master
- The terminal will show you a link to your pull request
- Submit link to pull request to assignment on online.theironyard.com
- Work on a checkpoint or feature
- Finish a checkpoint
- Get to an issue that you need review on
git add .
- Stages all changes for the current directory
git commit -m "Your message of what you've done"
- Commits new changes to local develop
git push
- Sends commits from all local branches that have places to branches on Github
- Repeat 17-20 until complete
- DM Ryan or Kate on slack for assignment review