What is HTTP (Hyper Text Transfer Protocol)?
It's how computers talk to each other in the internetz!
Call and Response.
Parts of HTTP Request and Response:
- URL - Location of data we are requesting
- Method/Verb - What type of action are we taking
- Headers - Extra info
- Body - Meat of the content
- Response Code - TLDR; did things break?
URL and Method only apply to Requests not Responses
HTTP Methods/Verbs
Along with the URL the method says WHAT we are trying to do
- READ ONLY (no body can be sent) - Get information from a resourcePOST
- Create something into the resource that wasn't there before or send a commandPUT
- Changes an existing resourceDELETE
- Remove an existing resourceOPTIONS
- What can I do with this resource
HTTP Headers
Extra Info along with the data being sent or received
Common Headers
- What type of data do we know how to read (PLEASE SEND ME THIS or I will break... 😞)Content-Type
- What is the format of information we are sendingAuthorization
- Who are we and can we prove it
HTTP Body (what is this application/json
thing anyway)
This is the main course!!!
Javascript Object Notation
Human and Machine readable way of describing data
"foo": "bar",
"names": [
"child": {
"x": 2,
"y": false
- All quotes are double quotes
- All property names are in quotes
- Not variables
- Only a few data types
- Booleans
- Null/Undefined
- Numbers (Integers or Decimals)
- Strings
- Arrays
- Objects (POJOs)
To create a JSON string from a POJO in Javascript run JSON.stringify
If you have a JSON string, to turn it into a POJO run JSON.parse