Tuesday November 3

Daily JS

JS Quiz


Given the code below, write code to make the digitize function work. The function should perform the following:

  • Given a non-negative integer, return an array / a list of the individual digits in order.

Slack me a direct message of your attempt.

Methods to Look Up

  • Number.prototype.toString()
  • String.prototype.split
function digitize(n) {
  // Your code goes here

console.assert(digitize(123)[0] === 1);
console.assert(digitize(8675309)[6] === 9);

Class & Lab & Homework


First watch these videos on a few of the different Array functions that are available (we briefly used reduce in the example problem with Credit Cards).

Today while I am out, work on your homework (most of it should be graded up to last night), then read through the resources here in the Gitbook. I expect for you to have questions and a list of topics that you would like to review or that I need to finish writing here in the Gitbook. Slack me these in a direct message.