Starting a New Project With Ember

Create an Ember Project

ember new <project-name>

Remember project names cannot start with numbers.

Upgrade to latest Ember Version

trash bower_components
npm install --save-dev ember-data
bower install ember#^2.2.0 ember-data#^2.2.0
bower install

Install Common Ember CLI Addons

There are a few Ember CLI addons you may want in your project:

Ember Simple Form ember-simple-form

This helps take in user input and input bindings. It will send an onsubmit action when the user submits within the component.

Ember Simple Auth

This package handles user session login and storage.

Ember Material Lite

This allows for quick prototyping, including inputs, buttons, navbars, and more:

Ember CLI Mirage

Allows for API and data mocking (most helpful for testing):