Monday October 24


  • 2:00-2:30 - Call


  • What is going well?
  • What is not going well (what are you struggling with)?
  • What's something you'd like to share not about code?
  • What's something you've learned

Common Wins

  • Catching Up on Assignments 5x
  • Fresh Start 2x
  • Exercises

Common Struggles

  • Somebody's Got a Case of the Mondays
  • Don't Hate Javascript
  • Catching Up Still 2x
  • Event Listeners 2x
  • Walking Dead
  • Javascript


  • fetch for advanced HTTP Requests
    • Postman
    • What is HTTP?
    • REST
    • Headers
  • Controllers
    • What are they?
    • How can we better organize Controllers?
  • List Views

Pro Tips

Button elements with type="button" DOES NOT SUBMIT FORMS!!! Use type="submit" instead.

App for the Day

  • Basic charting with a heart rate monitor
Feature: Heart Rate Monitor Form::
    As a user
    I want to be able to see a form to fill out

    Scenario: See the form
        Given I am on the "Home" page
        Then I should see two inputs

            | Placeholder | Label | Name |
            | Initials | Initials | user |
            | BPM | BPM | bpm |
Feature: Heart Rate Monitor List::
    As a user
    I want to see existing heart rate entries

    Scenario: See existing records:
        Given I am on the "Home" page
        And there are existing heart rate entires in the API
        Then I see a list of existing heart rate entries with "Initials", "BPM", and "Date"
        And I see a chart of heart rate entries,
        And I see the "BPM Minimum" is 5 less than the minimum recorded BPM
        And I see the "BPM Maximum" is 5 greater than the maximum recorded BPM
Feature: Heart Rate Monitor Submit::
    As a user
    I want to fill out the form to log a BPM reading

    Scenario: The new record shows up
        Given I am on the "Home" page
        And there are <existing> heart rate records
        And submit the form with inputs

            | user | bpm |
            | rft | 100 |
        Then I see there are <existing> + 1 heart rate records
        And I see the last heart rate record is for <user> and <bpm>


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    No results matching ""