Tuesday Aug 9




  • What is going well?
  • What is not going well (what are you struggling with)?
  • What is something new that you learned?
  • What is something not about code?

Common Wins


Common Struggles



  • [ ] Services
    • [ ] User can add item to cart
      • [ ] window.localStorage
  • [ ] Custom alerts and promise boxes
  • [ ] e-commerce database design
    • Inventory vs line items and orders
  • [ ] Inventory hooks
  • [ ] Real time inventory??? (Socket-IO connections)





As a guest user (someone who is NOT logged in and is an admin) in the game store I can:

As an admin user (someone who IS logged in and is an admin) in the game store I can:

  • See all orders in history
  • Manage inventory numbers of items

As a customer in the game store I can:

  • Visit a page to see a history of my orders with the price sum of each order
  • Visit a page to see the details of a single order

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