Monday April 25

Interruptions & Events

  • 3:30PM-4PM Meeting


  • What is going well?
  • What is not going well (what are you struggling with)?
  • What's something you'd like to share not about code?
  • What's something you've learned

Common Wins

  • Proud of the Hackathon

Common Struggles

  • Some plugins documentation
  • "Backend part of Ember?"
  • Setting up the server
  • Homework catch up


  • Building Servers with Strongloop
  • Deploying with


  • A user can register
  • A logged in user can create a recipe with ingredients and steps
  • Logged in users can see recipes from other users

Client Meeting

  • Recipe should be linked to the user that created it
  • Only logged in users can see the app
  • See a list of users, click on a username and see list of recipes they've created
  • See number of recipes a user has when looking at username list
  • Step is a plain set of instructions
  • Ingredients are amount, description, unit of measure

Models / Database

  • User
    • Attributes
      • username
      • email
      • password
    • Relationships
      • recipes - has many
  • Recipe
    • Attributes
      • title
    • Relationships
      • ingredients - has many
      • steps - has many
      • user - belongs to
  • Ingredient
    • Attributes
      • amount
      • description
      • unit-of-measure
    • Relationships
      • recipe - belongs to
  • Step
    • Attributes
      • description
      • order
    • Relationships
      • recipe - belongs to




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