Thursday April 7
Interruptions & Events
- 12PM Fried Chicken
- 1PM EC
- What is going well?
- What is not going well (what are you struggling with)?
- What's something you'd like to share not about code?
- What's something you've learned
Common Wins
- Ember "isn't new concepts" just new structure
- More productive "it goes on the page easier"
- Ember is structured
- Seeing the patterns
Common Struggles
- Maybe too much magic (what's going on under the hood)?
- Understanding what is going on
- Moar code, moar problems
- Lots of files!!!
- Ember Routes
- Dynamic Segments
- Ember CLI SASS
- Ember Addons
To clone this locally run:
hub clone TIY-TN-FEE-2016-spring/lesson-06-04 lesson-04
cd lesson-04 && npm install & bower install
atom .
ember serve