Monday April 4

Interruptions & Events

  • 3:30-4 Call
  • 1 on 1s Backlog Trimming

Motivation Monday!!!

Daily JS

The function replace takes an array and an item with an id property. Using reduce, return a new array where the item with a matching id to the passed in item is replaced with the new version.


  • arr: [{id: 1, name: `Homer`}, {id: 20, name: `Ned`}, {id: 15, name: `Marge`}]
  • item: {id: 20, name: `Maude`} Result of replace(arr, item)
  • [{id: 1, name: `Homer`}, {id: 20, name: `Maude`}, {id: 15, name: `Marge`}]
function reduce(arr, item) {
  return arr.reduce()


  • What is going well?
  • What is not going well (what are you struggling with)?
  • What's something you'd like to share not about code?
  • What's something you've learned

Common Wins

  • WEEK 6!!!
  • Starting to Understand fetch to pull data
  • Realizing how much we've learned
  • Understanding Javascript syntax
  • Take Breaks

My Code

Common Struggles

  • Things are piling up, missing one topic feels like you've missed out and can't catch up
  • Where do we structure things in Javascript
  • There's a lot of things to Javascript
  • One missed piece of syntax will break the application
  • Backlog


  • Update Review Sheet
  • Build an App with ES6 Views



These are long!!! Use them wisely! Maybe check in the code, see what you want explaination about and scrub the video to find when we wrote that!


Tonight work on following the Ember Fastboot Quick Start:

Come prepared to ask questions tomorrow (it will be part of standups)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""